Monday, May 28, 2007


Last night my ex-boyfriend called me . . . about five times. He stopped on his way through town to stay at a hotel down the freeway a bit and, of course, to see me. When I got home he'd called three times and left two messages. He called two more times and finally gave up around 1:30 this morning. All I could do was lie awake and wonder how I could get out of the house to go meet him.

When the phone rang at 1:00 a.m., my boyfriend insisted that it had to be important if someone was calling so late. I got up to answer it, but no one was on the other end. A few minutes later, the phone rang again. Barry asked who it was, so I told him it was a guy I used to date. And I told him why he was calling at one o'clock in the morning. Why else would an ex call in the middle of the night?

This morning at breakfast, Barry asked me if I just said it was my ex-boyfriend to get even with him for the "Sandy thing." I had to laugh at that. Even now I think he believes I made it up just to make him jealous. He has no idea how bad I wanted to answer that phone.

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