Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I'm hyped up on coffee! I spent a couple hours this morning with "the girls" at a new coffee shop down the street. It's an interesting little place in a great old building--half baby boutique and half coffee shop. They've got a play area for little kids, and there were lots of mothers and toddlers there. It's really a pretty cool concept.

I've noticed that people tell me the same stories over and over, and even when I say, "yeah... you told me," they keep going, providing the details for me once again. Why is that? It seems to be just certain people, but it's odd.

It's really interesting to write these things down, because I start wondering if I'm just bitchy or if these things are really something to be bothered by. Perhaps I should merely make my observations here and keep the biased commentary out of it. I wonder.

I'm hungry. I've been dieting since Sunday, and I wonder how the body's reacting to it. My pants don't fit any better yet... ha! I suppose I'll go munch on something healthy. It's a good reason to stop writing anyway.


catiepillars said...

how could i not know this existed? i love you

catiepillars said...

p.s i know you have said "you told me" 100 times but i cant remember if i keep going or not. im promise not to tempt you with tons of bad stuff while you are here.... just men... thats a joke